Realm of Adventure Wiki

Plot position

School Divination
Level Brd 3, Clr 4, Navigation 3, Sor/Wiz 3
components V, S, F
casting time 10 minutes
range Personal
target You
duration Instantaneous
saving throw Will negates (harmless)
spell resistance No

During the casting of this spell, the caster spreads out a map and places a crystal on the map. The crystal and the map then move to show the caster’s exact location on the map. If the caster is above sea level, the crystal hovers above the map. If the caster is below sea level, the map hovers above the crystal. The spell automatically adjusts to the scale of the map used, including for distances above and below sea level.

This spell in no way alters the map or crystal used. It does not add detail to the map, nor does it correct any inaccuracies in the map used.

Focus: A map and a piece of crystal, spread out on a flat surface.
